Front cover of an SEO guide for web designers.

SEO Guide for Web Designers

Get your client sites found by Google and their dream customers!
Buy now for $59!
Do you want to set your client sites up for SEO but not sure where to start?

Grab my SEO Essentials Field Guide

only $59
(and will save your hours of googling!)
This SEO Guide was crafted for wonderful web designers like you, who create fab websites for your clients but get stuck when it comes to SEO. You really want to give your customers greater value and make sure their audience can actually find that beautiful website you’ve created... and now you can! 

I created this guide because I've been where you are, and wish I had a go-to document with all the important info in one spot. This SEO guide will help you put the SEO fundamentals in place so your client sites aren't lost in the online ocean that is the internet. It will save you the stress of wasting hours on google finding snippets of SEO tips (ain’t no one got time for that!), so you can set your client sites up for SEO from the get-go, and give your clients the best opportunity to rank!
Your SEO Guide includes:
>> SEO Overview
>> What is search intention and why it's important
>> How to do Keyword Research for free
>> On-Page SEO (the SEO fundamentals you need ON your site)
>> Technical SEO (making sure your site can be easily crawled by Google)
>> Off-Page SEO (extra things you can do OFF your site to get ranking)
If you're looking for a stress-free SEO guide, made especially for web designers by an SEO-savvy web designer (that's me!) then wait no longer. With the must-have SEO fundamentals, this can be the difference between visibility and invisibility when it comes to your client's websites.

Simply fill in your details below, complete the purchase and you'll get the SEO Essentials Guide straight to your inbox. You'll get an email first to verify joining my newsletter (unsubscribe at any time) then you'll receive a link to download the PDF.
SEO Guide Purchase
Price: $59.00

Is this all SEO talk making you break out in a cold sweat?

I offer White Label SEO Services for web designers just like you so you can outsource the hard part – the Keyword Research and Page Level Strategy – and focus on what you do best. Read more about it and then shoot through an enquiry. It'll feel good to take one burden off your shoulders!
White Label SEO
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Ready to chat about your project?

Enquire Now!
Follow me for all the fun!
Rachel Clark
ABN 89396635922

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